Monday, July 12, 2010

Did you see the - "Sun Dog" On 11th July 2010 - I did!!!

Yes..I Did..Read More to find how.....

While my Dad and bro where busily working in the noon sun I turned my attention towards the Sky and saw a rainbow....At least that's what I thought for a minute and my bro told its not.Yet to confirm my curiosity I went Upstairs to the terrace with my Sony W800i and took a Sun Glass.

The view was quite extraordinary and I was awestruck..I know its not much of a commotion and many of you might have seen it a million time... Just like my dear friend Venkat whom I called to inform about this...Venkat said he had seen it a million times and its no wonder and we can all see it a million times again....

Here are some shots that I took with my mobile...

Arent they nice...

Wish I get to see it in a big barren land with a Olympus Camera on my side..And I will take loads of pictures..

Later on the day I saw it on new and the next day on Websites..Cool though

Curious about this wonder of nature - For more on the Sun Dogs go to the following site ...

What luck you might catch it one of these days.....

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