Sunday, January 31, 2010

Lover's MP3 player designed for lovers

Lover's MP3 player designed for lovers


You have to admit that this is kind of cute in a middle school "do you like me? check yes or no" sort of way. It's a heart-shaped MP3 player broken in two so you can wear one around your neck and your sweetie can wear the other around his/her neck. And everyone at recess will be, like, so jealous that each half features touch controls and can hold 1GB of music that says everything you ever thought and felt about each other.


The coolest part about the players (other than the $38.99 price) is that when the two halves are reunited, time stands still and you and your prom date are swept up in a whimsical whirlwind of rainbows, flowers, and puppies.



Official Website

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