Sunday, January 31, 2010

"The Shawshank Redemption" - Reminder Of A Good Friend Of Mine

When I was doing my under graduation a good friend of mine by the name 'Priyo Barath'(I am unsure whether I got his name correctly or not) told about his most favorite movie ever....
He insisted me to watch it but i never had the chance till our college days got over...

But after getting that movie I watched it with my Dad.....He too loved it. It was a very nice movie and I in turn insist any good soul reading my blog to watch it... The movie is totally worth it...

One of my most favorite lines in the movie as follows,

Andy Dufresne: "Yeah. The funny thing is - on the outside, I was an honest man, straight as an arrow. I had to come to prison to be a crook".

The film was based on the novel by Stephen King (short story "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption")

Directed By : Frank Darabont

Main Cast

Awards : Nominated for 7 Oscars. Another 11 wins & 13 nominations

The story is about an innocent guy being framed by practical evidence over the murder of his wife and the man she was having affair with.The true story beings as he enters Shawshank prison, the rest of the story being about the troubles he faces,his life new found friends....

For rest of the story forgive me I cant tell anymore...

So please go get a copy of the DVD and please see it.

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