Friday, February 5, 2010

Alright !!!! "Mom's Out Of Town"

My mom left for a function to her native by evening and returned by next day morning ........

And I get to make food for myself...

Dad told he will make dosa for me but I didn't wanna make him work...

So I tried my best ..

The result is the following incident or shall I say accident.......

Its a secret so please don't tell my mom about it OK....

I made 5 dosa for myself since they all turned to be small and thin...
But ate three and threw two ... though

Dosa - no matter how ever "Bad" it is...It all tastes good with....

"Mollakapodi" - Chilly powder +Oil+Garlic+Salt

I wish my mom was there............

But she will scold me about how grown up I got and still couldn't make dosa..

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