Thursday, February 18, 2010

Death Of A Loved One

Of late I witnessed three deaths...

I started to write this post about the death of my young cousin brother but I had to finish with two more deaths from my buddies family and their friends.

Death Of A Cousin :
One of a young cousin of age not more than 2 to 3 years.. Drowned and died in a lake near by his home when he went for playing with his friends...

On that fateful day the boy and his friends left by morning to play.....Some adults were washing clothes near by the lake only .... So these children played in the lake... after some time they left the place....without noticing one of their friend was missing..
It was after several hours they came to realize the fact ...I was told that they searched for him from noon 12 pm and found him by 4 pm only ..... The mother of two has now only one son to comfort her sadness..But no words can replace her lost son....
Death Of A Friend:

Another tragic loss was a friend of Arvinth,a teenage boy who committed suicide by hanging himself with the half torn bed sheet tied to the fan in his house...
The boy had lost his father long ago and his mom has taken care of him...He regularly used tell to his friends that he is going to take his life off every now and then...As he did one fateful day and returned no more.
Arvinth has known him from his school days...
As Arvinth said this to me he felt very sad...
Think of that boys mother.. Think of all the souls who seen him from childhood till death..

Death Of A Uncle:

Praveen's uncle died of a brain tumor at critical stage in hospital..He had maintained a nice family and raised his children to good positions and supported them always...
A gentlemen who lived a good life..Praveen and all his family members misses him so much...

This post is dedicated to the three lost souls... and their family and friends... I have nothing to tell except cherish their memories and try to live happy from now.. Its hard but life has to move on..

May God Bless Their Souls!!!

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