This page contains ancient drawings of both aliens and ufos. These drawings of ancient aliens are famous, and many of them are featured in museums and are also available to the general public through cave viewings. The depictions of aliens and ufos are obvious, thinking that these pictures and artwork represent other things is possible. However the more realistic idealogy is that these are things that these ancient people saw a long time ago and they represented them through drawings. Often times stories about ancient aliens accompany the drawings, some stories of ancient aliens were handed down generation to generation.
This Ufo Artwork is Dated A.D.
IMPORTANT: One defining factor in many of these pictures is the Halo around the head of the alien. In my opinion and many others this means that they are Angelic, like Angels, meaning from Heaven, (heaven-the sky-or the heavens).
The above painting is by Carlo Crivelli (1430-1495) and is called "The Annunciation" (1486) and hangs in the National Gallery, London. A disk shaped object is shining a pencil beam of light down onto the crown of Mary's head. A Blow up of the object is next to the painting.
The above is a painting on wood drawer from furniture kept at the Earls D’Oltremond, Belgium. Moses is receiving the tablets and several objects in the sky are seen near by. Date and artist unknown. This supports the claims of many that many biblical events, can be further explained when ufos and aliens are taken into consideration, higher forms of technology could explain some of the events such as writing on stone with fire, parting the red sea, etc... higher forms of technology might explain how some of these feats were performed.
The above picture depicts Jesus and Mary on what appear to be lenticular clouds. The painting is entitled "The Miracle of the Snow" and was painted by Masolino Da Panicale (1383-1440) and hangs at the church of Santa Maria Maggiore, Florence, Italy.
This painting is called "The Madonna with Saint Giovannino". It was painted in the 15th century. The Palazzo Vecchio lists the artist as unknown although attributed to the Lippi school.Above Mary's right shoulder is a disk shaped object. Below is a blow up of this section and a man and his dog can clearly be seen looking up at the object.
The above picture is from a book entitled Prodigiorum Ac Ostentorum Chronicon by Conrad Lycosthenes (1518-1561). Basel: Henricpteri, 1557. It depicts a UFO sighting in Arabia in 1479. The book is held at the Australian Museum Research Library.
The above image is entitled "The Assumption of the Virgin" by ANON. Painted c.1490. Once again notice the discoidal clouds.
This is a 15th century fresco from Kiev. Seems to show Jesus in a rocket type device.
1660. The illustration depicts a sighting by two Dutch ships in the North Sea of an object moving slowly in the sky. It appeared to be made by two disks of different size. The source for this account is one of the books entitled :"Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" by Admiral Blaeu. These books were compilations of articles by different authors and consisted of detailed accounts of long engagements at sea, cartography information etc.
This is a tapestry called Summer's triumph and was created in Bruges in 1538. It now resides at the Bayerisches National Museum. You can clearly see several disc shaped objects in the top of the tapestry. Someone has speculated that they are islands, if so, then these islands are floating in the sky!
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