Sunday, February 7, 2010

Saucer scare in India as possible alien UFO is filmed hovering over Mumbai Saucer scare in India as possible alien UFO is filmed hovering over Mumbai

Possible UFO sighted in Goregaon(W), Mumbai, India around 11th or 12th June,2009.

This UFO footage was taken in Mumbai, India on either June 11or 12 during the day, however it has only come to light in the last month. It shows what seems to be a saucer shaped UFO hiding behind clouds while monitoring the sprawling city below it. UFO sightings in India are becoming increasingly common and much of the nation’s population have become increasingly aware of the fact that they are being watched by extraterrestrials
Recently in the town of Paitala a large UFO was seen descend from space and hovered over the city for at least 30 minutes. The alleged alien craft was filmed and photographed by a number of residents. Most witnesses were of the opinion that the UFO they saw had arrived from outer-space and was being piloted by extraterrestrial beings.

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